Word code system


Word Code for Numbers

Alpha, Beta, Zero to Zillion


Your top rated code generator for remembering number strings.

Set your memory abuzz with ABZZ word code for remembering numbers

Simple to use

Make new unique codes here using the online ABZZ Code Generator.  Anyone can set up new codes in no time and never forget numbers again!

A word coding system that helps anybody remember numbers

Tell me about the word code for numbers

Can’t remember your PIN codes or passwords?

Now you never need to forget all those numbers we need to know.  Important phone numbers, PIN codes, security numbers, accounts, door entry, passwords – all can now be easily remembered using ABZZ.

The reasoning behind the ABZZ is the desire to use words as memory aids for numbers.  Numbers can be long, but memory span is short.  Numbers are abstract, dry, dull, and dreary.

The brain is not usually excited by numbers unless they are associated with exciting consequences, meanings or results.  When numbers are converted to words, the imagination comes to life.

The Book

Get the ABZZ code book

Yes! . . . I’ve got it.

Now you can easily recall those long numbers too.

It’s so easy to protect all your secret numbers with memorable words made by the ABZZ Code.

Try the ABZZ Code Generator now.  Then decode your chosen words using the ABZZ Decoding technique.

Got it with the ABZZ word coding system

Here are some great features!

  • Word codes for any number sequence

  • Quick and easy to use

  • Decodes using a simple 10 word verse

  • Many word options for same numbers

  • Codes can be mixed into a unique sentence

  • Use our free code generator to code numbers

  • Keep coded sentences written anywhere

  • Safe and secure codes unique to you

  • Great learning and educational tool

  • Easily adapted to create different apps

You can buy the unabridged ABZZ book
from any of these distributors . . .


A recognised world leader in book distribution with excellent delivery services, Amazon are sure to get you delivery of the ABZZ code book in rapid turnaround time – and there is a Kindle edition.  A preview ‘look inside’ the book is available on the Amazon website too.


Authorhouse are a US company that were the original publishers of ABZZ code book.  Their stock is immense and many publications are available in electronic format or for special delivery both in soft and hard back versions.

Barnes & Noble

Barnes and Noble are established resellers of both electronic and bound back books worldwide.  Take a look at their USA website to see their extensive range of books covering a vast range of topics.

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